The weekend before the Easter break I had to stay in Austria since my visa expired on the 1st April, while most of my friends were at home. Poor me! Thanks to my friend, who let me borrow some of her DVDs, I wasn’t bored to death. The merits of my stay were that I finally cleaned up the house, or to be precise, my room, which urgently needed doing up. As well as this, I had film nights in order not to neglect my not-at–all good English. What about a cartoon? Madagascar, perhaps? If you’ve yet to watch this cartoon, it is now high time, and I guarantee you that won’t regret it.
In short, what it is about? It starts with the Central Park Zoo and the animals therein. The zoo’s star attraction is Alex (voiced by Ben Stiller), a happily captive lion. By day he wows massive crowds with his antics, at night he hangs out with his zoo friends: a zebra named Marty (voiced by Chris Rock), a hippo named Gloria (voiced by Jada Pinkett Smith), and Melman (voiced by David Schwimmer) a severely hypochondriac Giraffe. Alex loves captivity and has no idea about what’s outside his zoo. In fact, he doesn’t want to know. But Marty, facing his 10th birthday and middle age, starts thinking about what it might be like in the wild. Determined to find out, Marty escapes the zoo. His friends take off after him in order to bring him back. They are caught by the humans and shipped off in a “mysterious” way to the wild. And what happens I n the wild, you should find out yourself.

Now, one of the best scenes is when the wild animals have a gathering to discuss what is to be done with the New York Giants, in precise, how to make use of them. Since the wild animals have for long been attacked and eaten by
THE FOSSA, the chairman wanted to propose, that they could be protected by the Giants. So, the chairman mentions the word FOSSA upon which the whole crowd got into panic. (Thy thought the Fossas are attacking them the very instant.).
The only thing I can say is that it is extremely infectious, hilarious and perfect. I wholeheartedly recommend it to you. As I mentioned before, you won’t regret it.
Have fun!!