Donnerstag, 26. April 2007

Ireland from a Polish perspective

First of all, I have to stress that this Polish guy is nothing short of fabulous. He has an eagle eye for remarkable details about Irish culture, and although not being word-perfect in English, he manages to convey the message confidently.
I the following two entries: and, we find something about the time he was about to leave Poland. He is just one of the flocks of birds, who got enticed into exploring the emerald green island and its mysterious charm. Why did the Polish people spread their wings after all?

We find out that Poland has for long been “inflicted” by the Celtic Ireland, which has significantly modified the customary polish way of life. As swift rise in Irish music, Irish films… Speedy growing pubs cropped up on every corner seducing the Polish into indulging in the Irish beer. The aforementioned was for long the only way to derive pleasure from the Irish culture, for until becoming an EU-member, the opportunity to visit or work in Ireland was as rare a chance as water in a desert.

Since the labor market opened for the Polish, Ireland has been “inexorably” thronged with them, and at the present Polish community is the biggest minority. Alongside the peaceful invasion, Polish culture has begun to exert a slight influence on the Irish way of life in very many ways. These changes in the culture are, I hold, often hidden from its very own participants.

Another peculiar thing we find out according to him is that Irish people, alas, seldom answer an e-mail. He must have gotten crazy, for not knowing what to do exactly or what is at he root of the suddenly- ended connection.

1 Kommentar:

MacKozer hat gesagt…

Thanx a lot. I am glad that my blog is still attractive for the potential readers.

:) Greetings from Poland (short 2 weeks visit)