Why the hell people relish the idea to go to Australia, the WILD Australia? The costs are colossal, the journey is endlessly long, prisoners were sent to Australia and after all it is treacherous and wild. (Yes, in the past prisoners were sent to Australia. In year 1787 the British began to colonize Australia. Since the unexplored land was harsh, much work was needed to turn this land into arable fields. Therefore, convicts were the first settlers of Australia, and a major number of those prisoners were Irish. The Irish became the first white minority in Australia. Read an interesting article about a famous escape from Australia
under: http://www.irish-society.org/Hedgemaster%20Archives/australia.htm). This question seems to bother Sean.

Sean considers himself lucky since he landed safely, wasn’t kicked over by an animal he had hold for the most dangerous, the kangaroo. A visit to Australian museum changed his mind.
The main reason for visiting the Australian
Museum was to get primed for the worse, to see what did he let himself in for and to get to know what he will have to become inured to. Why inured to? Australia is home to the world’s most lethal insects, snakes (jus the thought of them makes me feel queasy) and is awash with the most “resplendent” spiders. Snakes creep around in the bush in water or fields, crocodiles (not at all amenable) are gigantic and can grow up to 7m and the famous spider is the Sydney funnel-web spider. Australian beauty is just a veneer that cracks down the moment you get to know it better. Australia = island of terror, so he things.

§ pose an immediate threat
§ bewildering mass
§ venomous snakes
§ slither over
§ unnerving
§ not averse to
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